Monday, March 14, 2011


Ok so im doin' good now. My mood is back to positive as it has been for a while (before earlier and yesterday night (Unexplained)). Turns out I just needed to play my guitar again. I got very angry at it; due to it falling apart. It's a cheap Squire Bullet series Stratocaster by Fender. Only set me back $112. So, anyway.. The other day as I took ecstasy. I started tripping hard. I took my guitar and amp to the laundry room of my appartment complex, I then setup my gear, then I start jamming as loud as I wanted. I was lost - I was gone - I was having sex with my guitar. At the end of it, I threw my guitar at my amp and then stomped on it once. It was my own little sacrifice. I felt I was experiencing what Jimi Hendrix was experiencing (not exactly copying him). My natural showmanship spun out and expressed itself. In other words; "Ecstasy". The day after I was experincing mood swings. Going from joyful to aggrivated. The day after that - I woke up and started wailing away on my strat. THEN, I started feeling excellent. Oh and a alot of help from my friends/nowfamily. THAT was what I needed all along. My guitar was calling me.
P.S - Video of this exists, its on my friends cellphone though. He happened to record it as I was tripping out. That, and going back up to his pad with my guitar&amp in hand, made me feel like a fucking ROCKSTAR. I made alot of people come out and see me do this, and everyone started talking about it. wow.. haha
"ah dah way he": Just now gave it that name. It means "Angel" in Cherokee named after my brother that passed years ago. Who also happened to be a cat.
He meant alot to me.

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